4 Phobias That Digital Nomads Have… And How To Tackle Them!

Do you suffer from these 4 common digital nomad phobias? If you do, here are the solutions to tackle them!

4 Digital Nomad Phobias


Do you get nervous everytime you need to go to the bathroom when you are working in a cafe? Fear not - this is a common phobia amongst digital nomads and coffice workers. It is a real fear because you never know if your laptop or valuable items might get knicked while you are in the bathroom, especially if you are working alone and do not have someone you trust to watch over your stuff. Those who have acute cofficephobia even avoid ordering a drink at cafes if they are working alone.

Those suffering from Cofficephobia can seek short term solutions such as packing up everything to bring with you to the bathroom (risking losing your table) or seek alternatives such as coworking spaces. Less affected coffice workers could do well to seek assistance from other patrons in the cafe.



Digital nomads are often away from their home city for months, sometimes even years. While they are off exploring the world and living in exotic destinations, it might feel like friends and family back home are moving on with their lives without them. For those suffering from loneliphobia, the fear of being forgotten and left behind by friends and family, this presents quite the emotional difficulty while traveling - especially when they are solo digital nomads.

Finding other digital nomads in the city using Facebook groups or catching up with friends and family through Skype and WhatsApp could alleviate some fears of being alone or being forgotten by close ones. Those who are too overcome with loneliphobia should try to remember the reason why they decided to go nomadic in the first place.



Do you get their gut-clenching fear of being asked to show a return ticket whenever you’re at the airport? You’re not alone - 99%* of digital nomads have experienced mild to serious roundtriphobia at least once in their lifetime. Most digital nomads don’t travel with a roundtrip ticket, exposing us to the chance of being rejected at the airport check-in.

For those suffering from a roundtriphobia, one way to cope is through purchasing a refundable flight ticket using Expedia or a valid $12 ticket using BestOnwardTicket.com. If you plan on using a refundable ticket, make sure to cancel your ticket once you are in the country.


*Fake statistics as proven by no research done.



If you need fast wifi speed or stable wifi for your work, then you know how important it is to book an AirBnB with stable and/or fast wifi - especially if you plan on living there for a while. But the fact is, not all AirBnB owners know much about wifi speed or are honest about it.

Slowfiphobia is unfortunately a common phobia found in digital nomads. For those suffering from mild slowfiphobia, they can use this technique to prevent a break down: write to the AirBnB owners and ask them for the upload and download speed using speedtest.net. Even better, ask the AirBnB owners for a screenshot of the Speedtest results.

For those suffering from more serious slowfiphobia, they should consider getting a wifi portable hotspot that would ensure steady and fast wifi (depending on which portable hotspot you use). A popular wifi hotspot to use is Skyroam.


Do you suffer from any of these phobias? Let us know below!

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